Saturday, November 22, 2008

I Want Cookies, NOW!

This is a poem I wrote long ago but I thought it fitting in response to the C. Beth Blog Giveaway.

Cookies are a way of life
Some have them, some don't
And some crave them more than others
Like me, I crave them all the time
I want to indulge them
And savor every chocolate chip until my cookie is gone
Then there are those who can't afford cookies
So they don't want them right now
And they tell you not to have cookies either
But I want cookies around all the time
To fill the emptiness inside of me
I understand you need a job to get cookies
And that I should save the cookies for later
I love cookies with a passion
And I want to have the best milk for my cookies
So I will listen to those other people
The ones who say save them for dessert
So I will save them for when I can provide the best milk for them
Even though it will be hard to live without cookies
I'll simply have to manage

Monday, November 17, 2008


I wrote straight from my heart
Meant to relieve me of my inner demons and desires
Not wanting to explode and needing to tell someone
My outlet was poetry

I wrote about love
I wrote about pain
I wrote about the past
And I wrote about the future

Reading those poems makes me realize how lonely I really was
Trying to replace an old flame with a new crush
Falling in "love" at the drop of a hat
I was never any good on my own

Losing what I thought was a soul mate broke me
Finding my other half put me back together
Looking back I know I was selfish
No one should have to play second fiddle

Believing in Love - Written On My 19th Birthday

Never did I believe in love at first sight
Then I set my eyes on you
I felt as if I had known you forever
Wanting to kiss you and hold you, tell you all
Something made me feel connected to you
As if we were soul mates
Soul mates meeting each other for the first time
Ready to spend eternity together
You and me forever, with a single glance
Making me a believer

*I now believe that sometimes it is hard to know who you are destined to be with when your heart and head are clouded with the past*

Friday, November 14, 2008

Boyfriends - Written in Junior High

I had boyfriend after boyfriend in those two years. I was not a hoochie by any means. I can't even believe that I had so many. Going back and reading this childish poem it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. These "relationships" may not have lasted but a week or two (one was off and on for the entire two years) but they still show me that I was liked and they thought I was pretty (either that or they thought I was easy and sadly disappointed).

John was one
Ryan was two
I wish Ryan was here to tie my shoe
Tony was three
Mike was four
I wish Billy was here to hold the door
Billy was five
Nelson was six
I wish Nelson was here to give me another kiss
Tim was seven
Paul Benefit was eight
I wish Paul Benefit was here so I could punch him in the face
Paul Wilson was nine
Who will be ten?
Cause I really don't feel like doing this all over again

*I find it funny that my "first" boyfriend was John and so was my last. They are not the same John but still, it is kind of humorous. I also don't really consider any of these guys real boyfriends. The only one that really meant anything to me was Ryan. He was my "puppy love" and it took me a long time to get over him after moving away.*

Who Am I?

I am the wife that complains when her husband doesn't take out the trash
I am the wife that can't stand when her husband spends all the cash

I am the mom that drags 5 screaming kids out of the mall
I am the mom cleaning up spills all down the hall

I am the woman that doesn't know what she wants to be
I am the woman that no one wants to be

I am not one of these things, but all three rolled into one
I am not perfect and my job is never done

This is me, in all my faded glory
This is me, and this is my story

Thursday, November 13, 2008


If only time would stand still. Then maybe I could get some kind of order to my life.
Instead I wade through it with blinders on. I pretend tomorrow will be a better day.
In some ways the next day is better and in others it is much worse.
It really isn't all that bad to begin with. So really, I shouldn't be complaining.
And really, if I'm just going to mush on through life without making any effort to change than I really have no right to complain.
But here I sit... completely drained.

Day In, Day Out

Wonder Pets singing in the background
Shy of 2 and squishing my cheeks
The wheels of a toy scoot across the laminate floors
Barks of dogs make their way to my ears

Running back and forth
My lip now twitching
The stress of the morning catching up with me
I will not break

But I do
I break from the writing
Only to correct a mistaken 4 year old
And then back to running

The twitching has stopped
Now it is time for more correction
On and on the day will go
Relief will come just in time

Strange Love - My First Poem

I wrote this poem over 15 yrs ago and I can remember it word for word as if I wrote it just yesterday... I even still have the original copy, mistakes and all...

While at the beach, staring at the sky
I was eating a peach, when I saw something fly by
When suddenly it hit me, a boot from the sky
So I thought up a creation, of a boot that could fly
The wonderful creation, yes she was a beauty
And thee who flew it, yes he was a cutie
He flew east and west, north and south
And the cutie inside, he never opened his mouth
The next day as he flew up above, I suddenly realized that I was in love
As he landed on the ground, he didn't make a sound
Yet he invited me in, for a cool glass of gin
Without another word we began to make love, as we soared off the ground like a plain white dove
Then he finally spoke and got down on one knee and said to me, "Brianna, will you marry me?"
I gleamingly said yes, with a little laughter as we both lived happily ever after


I have decided to start a poetry blog. Other blogs like One Minute Writer have inspired me to write more like I used to and I hope to inspire others as well. It may not mean much to any of you, but it is a place for me to come remember poetry that I wrote years ago or to write new stuff. It is also a place for other "closet poets" to come and share their poetry. Feel free to email me your work if you want it showcased here. Also feel free to analyze anything I write.

With this blog I hope to get my poetic thoughts flowing once again and to help other bloggers do the same. So let's get started!